Ownership/Sponsorship Opportunities | Buy or Rent/License (.ru Portfolio)

Brandable 10 year old Russian (.ru) domain names available for sale or rent through exclusive/non-exclusive license.

Make offer to buy any of these domains or consider Landing Page | Ad Placement | Sponsorship | Partnership Opportunities. Flexible pricing and royalty policy depending on your marketing and partnership strategy. 

All domains has been created in 2006. Same owner since registration to the date. Clean.

Important notice: requests to buy domains without bid price may not be reviewed, other topics and discussions are welcome.

b2bmarketing.ru | b2b-marketing.ru | b2cmarketing.ru | b2c-marketing.ru

web-sales.ru | salesweb.ru | sales-web.ru

centersales.ru | center-sales.ru | salescenter.ru | sales-center.ru

4-sale.ru | 4sales.ru | 4-sales.ru

marketsworld.ru | markets-world.ru | market-world.ru | world-markets.ru

russian-market.ru | russian-markets.ru | russianmarkets.ru

marketingworld.ru | marketing-world.ru | strategicmarketing.ru | strategic-marketing.ru

geographicmarket.ru | geographicmarkets.ru | geographic-market.ru | geographic-markets.ru

verticalmarket.ru | verticalmarkets.ru | vertical-market.ru | vertical-markets.ru

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Ad Placement Opportunities | Advertise With Us

Your Sponsored Digital Content | Links | Buttons | Banners on this page. Ad Networks/Agents Are Welcome! 50/50 revenue split.  Just send your sample with your notes and contact details to the owner.

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Any Questions?

Contact owner of these domains